Double excitement today! Received a call from for a layout andThe Big Book of Scrapbooking Ideas by Memory Makers is scheduled to be released in April rather than May! You can even pre order it on Amazon. Found my name in the table of contents and nearly swooned with excitement
Dreading the big dentist appointment today :( Hopefully I'll still fit in a little scrapping later. New sketches from Sketchy Thursday and Sketch Support are waiting !
When I downloaded a sketch from I already knew I wanted to use these pics of Mimi & Lindsey tubing last year. The colors in this Bo Bunny paper were a perfect match!
I think I finished this layout in record time...4 hours instead of my usual 6 ! Off to try to shorten my record an a new layout :)
The kids are busy preparing for the Science Olympiad next week. All I can say is WOW, boy do they expect them to know A LOT! I don't remember Middle School being so intense All I can say is I'm glad it's not me. I sure am proud of them! Mariel & her friend have been pretty good about studying together (and having fun too). Here is a pic of them playing outside a couple of weeks ago. Love the bouncing ponytail!
The good news is...I received a call for a layout from, and the bad news is...I can't figure this blog stuff out! Grrr. I was somewhat productive this weekend and finished a few layouts
Don't worry Mimi, Uncle Steve doesn't follow my blog!
and mine:
Psyche! Hee hee hee :) Had to remove it, Happy Dance.
Two...count em...two marathon shopping trips in two days! The kids both needed to be outfitted for spring sports and various sundries I won't mention. Anyone else have to shop for size 15 shoes? I don't reccommend it. Grrr. We found the only pair in South Bend after 3 hours. Finished our night tonight with a movie "Nomeo & Juliet", cute, good music, and a few laughs. Not quite up to "Despicable Me", my current favorite.
I am not leaving the house for the next 36 hours at least! In case anyone is missing the snow, here is a pic of our yard after the big "Blizzad of '11", now it's all gone. Not to fret! We are supposed to get more snow tonight! Sorry I made that dentist appointment for Monday. Scrapping here I come!
Starting a blog has been a little trickier than I thought it would be. I guess I figured so many people are doing hard could it be? HARD! I guess I'm a little more challenged than I previously thought. Hopefully I'll have this all figured out by the beginning of next week and I'll start posting more interesting stuff :) Thanks to Dana (a peep from Club CK) I was at least able to put the pretty background in. Thanks for stopping!